KEITH G. ALDERMAN is an author, public speaker, musician, and outdoorsman. He writes inspirational and thought-provoking studies on life and literary fiction. His published works include LEGENDARY (Tall Tales and How to Become One) and SHORT STORIES (for God’s Grown-up Children). His fictional manuscripts include the psychological thriller FOX ISLAND, and middle-grade fantasy in the DOLOR SERIES. This year, he released his third full-length album This Place Called Earth is Not Our Home!. Enjoy samples of his books, gain access to what he is presently writing, and enjoy his journal following his every day life.

KEITH is a fifth-generation pastor, especially passionate about this world’s future generations and helping them walk in the fullness of God’s plans for their lives. He and his wife are currently raising their three children in Jefferson City, Tennessee on their small farm with three cows, thirty-one hens, two rabbits, one horse, and dogs, Maple and Favor.



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